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Monopoly Junior is a simplified and kid-friendly version of the classic game Monopoly, designed for ages 5 and up. Here's a breakdown of the gameplay: *Objective:* Be the player with the most money after another player goes bankrupt. *Number of Players:* 2-4 players *Game Board:*

  • The board features a colorful cityscape with kid-friendly locations instead of streets. These might include a pet shop, a pizza parlor, a playground, or a zoo.
  • Unlike the original Monopoly, there are no properties to be auctioned.

*Playing Pieces:*

  • Players choose fun character tokens to move around the board.


  • A banker is chosen who manages the bank and distributes money and Chance cards.
  • Players roll a single die (instead of two dice like in the regular Monopoly) and move their token the corresponding number of spaces around the board.
  • Landing on a space can have different outcomes:
  • * *Property Space:* If the property is vacant, players can buy it with the displayed price. If another player already owns it, they have to pay rent according to the amount shown on the deed. * *Chance Space:* Players draw a Chance card which might instruct them to move to a specific space, collect money from the bank, or pay money to the bank. * *Go Space:* Landing on GO earns players a specific amount of money from the bank. * *Other action spaces:* Depending on the version of the game, there might be other themed spaces with specific actions, like paying to visit the doctor or collecting money for helping a neighbor.
  • The game continues with players taking turns rolling the die, buying properties, collecting rent, and drawing Chance cards.
  • As in regular Monopoly, players can go bankrupt if they cannot afford to pay rent or fees. The game ends when only one player remains with money, and they are declared the winner.
  • *Key Points:*
    • Monopoly Junior is a faster-paced game compared to the original, with shorter playing times suitable for younger players' attention spans.
    • The use of money and buying properties introduces basic financial concepts to children in a fun way.
    • Counting money and making simple calculations for rent add a light math element to the game.
    • The colorful board and playful characters make it an engaging game for young children.
    Overall, Monopoly Junior is a great introduction to the world of board games for young children. It's a fun and educational way to spend quality time with family and friends.


SKU: 273
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